Iberis sempervirens (Candytuft)
Iceland Moss is a perennial, foliaceous plant from two to four inches high; a native…
Iceland Moss is a perennial, foliaceous plant from two to four inches high; a native…
Hyssop is a perennial herb, with square stems, woody at the base, and a foot…
House-leek has a fibrous root, with several tufts of oblong, acute, extremely succulent leaves. The…
This well-known twining plant has a perennial root, with many annual angular stems. The leaves…
This biennial plant has an erect stem one or two feet high. The leaves are…
This well-known herb has a fibrous, perennial root and numerous annual, bushy stems, leafy, and…
Henbane is a biennial plant. It has a long, thick, spindle-shaped, corrugated root, which is…
This plant has a perennial, thick, and fleshy rhizome, tunicated at the upper part, sending…
This indigenous shrub consists of several crooked, branching stems, from the same root, from four…
This is a tree of slow growth, attaining a height of from thirty to forty…