Cornus Florida (Flowering Dogwood)
Dogwood is a small indigenous tree from twelve to thirty feet high, with a very…
Dogwood is a small indigenous tree from twelve to thirty feet high, with a very…
This is an herbaceous perennial plant, with a large bulbous root, from which arises a…
Dandelion is a perennial, top-shaped herb, having a very milky root. The leaves are all…
This is a perennial herb, having an erect, branching, and furrowed stem, from one to…
This is a perennial plant, with a climbing stem, round branches, about as thick as…
This plant is not to be confounded with the Geranium maculatum, which is also called…
This is a singular, leafless plant, with coral-like root-stocks. The root is a collection of…
This plant has a perennial, horizontal, thick, rough, and knotty root, with many small fibres. …
It is a nearly smooth and upright shrub, or small tree, usually from five to…
Copaiba is a tall and handsome tree, with many small, crooked branches, and a grayish-brown…