Larix decidua (European Larch)
Larch is a very lofty and graceful tree, with widespreading branches. The buds are alternate,…
Larch is a very lofty and graceful tree, with widespreading branches. The buds are alternate,…
This indigenous plant has a perennial, fibrous, fleshy root, from which arise several round leafy…
This is a tree, growing about twenty feet high, with round rusty branches. The leaves…
This is a perennial plant, the root of which consists of numerous strong fibres. The…
Kino is a leafy tree, with the outer coat of the bark brown, and the…
This is a small evergreen shrub, never attaining the height of a tree, with many…
This plant is a bushy, smooth, fetid, annual plant, two or three feet in height,…
Jalap has a fleshy, tuberous root, with numerous roundish tubercles. It has several stems, which…
This is a woody vine, with a creeping stem, digitate leaves; leaflets acuminate, petiolate, dentate,…
This is an indigenous, perennial, coarse, purplish-green weed, with a stem from three to ten…