Erechtites hieraciifolius (fireweed)
This plant has an annual, herbaceous, thick, fleshy, branching, and roughish stem, from one to…
This plant has an annual, herbaceous, thick, fleshy, branching, and roughish stem, from one to…
Description. — Figwort has a perennial, whitish, and fibrous root, with a leafy, erect, smooth…
Feverfew is a perennial herbaceous plant, with a tapering root, and an erect, round, and…
Male Fern has a large, perennial, tufted, scaly rhizome, sending forth yearly several leaves, three…
This perennial has a creeping, irregular, brown root. The fronds are from six to twelve…
This is an elegant little annual plant, with a square, downy, leafy stem, from one…
Ergot is the name given to the fungoid, degenerated seeds of the common rye, which…
This plant has a thick, top-shaped, aromatic, and perennial root, with a thick, leafy, round,…
This is a common, well-known native American plant, from five to twelve feet high, with…
This plant has a round, flattened, perennial rhizome; the upper part is tunicated like an…