Strychnos ignatii (Ignatia Amara)
The Ignatius Amara is a branching tree with long, taper, smooth, scrambling branches. The leaves…
The Ignatius Amara is a branching tree with long, taper, smooth, scrambling branches. The leaves…
Sage is a plant with a pubescent stem, erect branches, hoary with down, leafy at…
This annual plant has a smooth, striate stem, from one to two feet high, and…
This is a low, perennial, evergreen herb. The leaves are radical, ovate, nearly two inches…
Rosemary is an erect, perennial, evergreen shrub, two to four feet high, with numerous branches…
The scientific world happens to be in much argument as to the exact plant or…
This plant is perennial, and has a horizontal rhizoma or fleshy root, with matted fibrous…
The root of this plant is horizontal, very long, with a thick bark. The stem…
The root of this plant has a large root with a red or brownish bark,…
This is a shrubby, strongly hispid plant, about four feet high. Leaves, pinnate; leaflets, oblong-ovate. …