Baptisia Tinctoria (Rattle Bush)
The blackish and wood root of this perennial plant sends up a stem which is…
The blackish and wood root of this perennial plant sends up a stem which is…
This plant has a perennial, horizontal, pitted rhizome, and a large smooth herbaceous stem, from…
This is a herbaceous plant, with a perennial, woody root, with many long dark-brown fibres,…
This is a tree growing from fifty to one hundred feet high, with an erect…
This is a smooth shrub, growing five or six feet high. The leaves are dark-green,…
This indigenous shrub has a stem ten or twelve feet high, with alternate branches, which…
This is a small tree or shrub. The leaves are opposite, entire, smooth, and two…
This indigenous plant has a perennial root of large size, frequently exceeding a man’s leg…
This plant has a perennial, large, fleshy, white, fusiform root, from which numerous stems arise,…
This is a small evergeen, nearly herbaceous, perennial herb, with a creeping rhizome, from which…