Angelica Atropurpurea (Angelica)
This plant is five or six feet high. The root has a purple color; leaves…
This plant is five or six feet high. The root has a purple color; leaves…
This is a delicate and pretty plant, with a creeping root, simple erect stem, six…
This is an annual herb, with a stout upright stem, from three to four feet…
This is a well-known shrub, growing in clumps, and forming thickets on the borders of…
The almond tree is from ten to eighteen feet high, with a pale-brown rugged bark,…
This shrub sometimes attains the height of five feet, but is usually much smaller. The…
This plant is a perennial gray, hairy herb, with a procumbent creeping stem, varying in…
This is an indigenous shrub of irregular growth, with a stem six or eight feet…
Agrimonia Eupatoria (Agrimony)has a reddish, tapering, not creeping root, with brown stems covered with soft…